July 12, 2017
During different seasons of my life I feel the Lord giving me different prayer “themes”. As a mother of three children ages 4 and under, this season of life feels like it is just flying by. When life flies, sometimes I discover I’m simply running on “autopilot”. Often it is like pulling in the driveway and having no clue how I made it home, because I barely remember the journey. These moments are so precious. I don’t want to be so focused on the destination that I forget the journey. I want to savor each moment and be thankful in all things. So, in this season my prayer theme is being “present”. Throughout my day when the Lord reminds me, I simply say out loud, “Lord, help me to be present. Help me to relish in these moments with my children. Show me what I need to teach them. Help me shepherd their hearts.” We can find Jesus in every aspect of our life if we silence our busy agenda and make Him the center of our day. Just like the Lord can teach us in all areas of our lives, we can use every opportunity with our children to teach them about His goodness. One example of this is when we are helping our children get dressed in the morning. When we design our clothing at The Bubble Bee, we prayerfully think about how each outfit can reflect the light of Christ. With each piece of clothing the idea is frequently birthed from a bible verse, or sometimes we create the outfit and then God teaches us something from that outfit. “Sweet Pears” was no exception; the making of this outfit brought forth Psalm 34:8, “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” We hope when you are dressing your children in “Sweet Pears” you can use this chance to teach your children about the Lord’s goodness and how He created all things, including the pear. I’ve discovered it’s not the big fancy moments that make me feel like I’m rocking this mom thing – but the moments where I hear the Lord guiding me and telling me to surrender my trust into His hands – where I slow down and reflect this Life He speaks into me back into my children. When I pause and listen, He guides me to teach my children amidst the everyday chaos, with simple everyday things like “Sweet Pears”. Life doesn’t have to be “pearfect”, just remember to be present.
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January 04, 2020 1 Comment
"You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me." Psalm 139:5